Saturday, March 13, 2010

And health care Bill 'is still to move the ball, said an official at the White House


Democrats likely to win on the reform of the health care system, and the president's signature domestic initiative has improved but still a jump ball a top White House official directly involved in the ongoing negotiations with health care House and Senate Democrats told in late friday. This assessment confirms that the White House and Democratic Party leaders have so far lacked the votes to pass health care in the House of Representatives. And weaken a bit on Friday's announcement press secretary to President Robert Gibbs said Obama finally feel the wind in the back on this issue. The president feels some momentum on this issue said Gibbs. I think the president believes that while many believed on this issue in the process of disappearing or have been dead a few weeks ago has got new life.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had been more directly address the legislation.We will not be long before the House vote Pelosi said. The Liberals do not 'disappointment at the lack of government health care no choice of traditional distrust that would prevent passage of the Senate in the House. In the White House and officials who worked to maximize the Obama influence lawmakers who control the fate of the legislation that created a yearl ong struggle full. They said he would delay his departure on an Asian tour for three days until March 21 and said he would travel to Ohio next week to campaign on the pitch along the lines of his proposals for health care. And congressional leaders delay gives much needed breathing space for the completion of the legislation and nail down support from wavering lawmakers. I'm happy that the President will be here to pass the bill it will be historic said Pelosi D California. Although there is no guarantee in the home can work at that time. A procedural vote in the Budget Committee in the House of Representatives is set for Monday afternoon but as of Friday evening, lawmakers were not have got in the final analysis of the Congressional Budget Office that they need to move forward. With the Democrats decided to introduce changes to help students on the bill the Republicans suddenly had a new reason to oppose the legislation which has long sought to frustrate.Well of course it's a very bad idea said Republican leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.We now have the government run banks and insurance companies car companies they do not want to control the student loan business. He said it showed the Democrats are determined that the government should extend its tentacles in everything at all.At its core and health care bill is aimed at providing health care to tens of millions who lack it and to prevent insurance companies from denying medical coverage on the basis of pre-existing medical conditions. Obama also wants the measure to begin to slow the rate of growth in medical costs at the national level. Most people would have to get insurance in accordance with the law and the poor and middle income Americans including the families of four earning up to $ 88,000 will receive support. Whatever the outcome there is no doubt this issue would resonate in the autumn of this year's elections with control of Congress at stake.


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